New version 1.3.1 of acirro+ cloud platform


The new acirro+ version 1.3.1 features a number of great new features and improvements.


Among the features are new screen controllers such as multi-picture and arc gauge controllers, new screen layouts, etc. enabling you to create dashboards with more advanced screens and greater control.

acirro+ 1.3.1

With Multi-picture it is possible to define  up to 10 different pictures, each representing a value span. It's possible to edit a screen control, changing the control type, cloud tags in use and the style. And you have a lot more screen layouts to choose from, plus the possibility to import a custom-made screen layout created by Beijer Electronics.

acirro+ version 1.3.1 features:

  • New arc gauge screen control
  • New multipicture screen control
  • Possibility to edit a screen control
  • Better scaling of trend charts and tables
  • Trend chart and table improvements
  • Set tag display names on controls with multiple tags
  • New screen layouts added
  • Import of custom screen layouts created by Beijer Electronics
  • Useful links in the new acirro+ footer
Learn more about acirro+ here.