Utilize the full potential of your product


We offer extensive training programs for our entire product range. By taking part in a training course, you can assure the best results when using our products. When products are utilized effectively in your applications, you can save valuable resources in development and installation.

The courses combine both theoretical knowledge with practical exercises. Each participant have their own workstation, and computers are provided.


Scheduled courses:

Click here for courses in Norway

Click here for courses in Sweden

Click here for courses in the Netherlands

Click here for courses in Germany 

Click here for courses in Americas

Click here for courses in Taiwan

Click here for courses in China


Course location
The courses will typically be held at Beijer Electronics' office.

Training materials
Course material is included in the price and will be provided at the training session. Each participant receives a course certificate after completing the course.

The course fee is invoiced 14 days before the course date. Terms of payment 30 days net.

Cancellation fee
For cancellation later than two weeks before the course, participants will be charged half the course fee. If the registered participant is unable to attend he or she may be replaced by another participant at no extra cost.

Other conditions
We reserve the right to adjust prices, course selection, location and other details.



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Stay curious about open technologies, products and services. Our webinar program will introduce you to new opportunities covering different topics, to inspire you to stay connected.


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Webinars 2020